Clipping rasters in Python

Clipping rasters can be trivial with a desktop GIS like QGIS or with command line tools like GDAL. However, I recently ran into a situation where I needed to clip large rasters in an automated, online Python process. It simply wouldn't do to interrupt the procedure and clip them myself …

LEDAPS installation on Ubuntu GNU/Linux

The Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System (LEDAPS) is a software system for generating surface reflectance data for Landsat 4, 5, and 7 TM or ETM+ sensors. The installation can be difficult, so I've prepared a guide based on my last successful installation of version 2.2.0.

Holism versus reductionism: The holy war in ecology

The philosophical tension between the worldviews of holism and reductionism persists in today's ecology classroom. This debate traces roots to the "individualistic" versus "organismal" debate at the beginning of the twentieth century between the population and community ecology schools [1]. The chief actors in this debate were Henry Gleason, proponent …