Approximate Bayesian computation in Python
Fast unpacking of QC bit-flags in Python
Day length, sunrise, and sunset calculation for Earth system models
Implementing fixed effects panel models in R
Parallel processing of raster arrays in Python with NumPy
Unsupervised learning for time series data: Singular spectrum versus principal components analysis
A visual tool for analyzing trends among group means in R
Teaching the Q Method in a class on urban sustainability
Diagnostics for fixed effects panel models in R
The Tasseled Cap transformation and band ratios: Applications for urban studies
Masking saturated pixels may improve spectral mixture analysis
Clipping rasters in Python
Identifying water bodies from Landsat TM/ETM+ with density slicing, machine learning
Generating sample validation points with the Unix Shell and QGIS
LEDAPS installation on Ubuntu GNU/Linux
Holism versus reductionism: The holy war in ecology
Custom citation styles in LaTeX with CSL and Pandoc
Bayesian networks for land cover classification
PostGIS 2.x: Getting raster data out of the database